Sunday, March 27, 2011

say hello to what is undoubtedly the cutest coin purse EVER.

soooo impractical / totally fabulous ♥

beautiful outdoor spaces from the feature on sheryl crow's LA home
in the latest issue of architectural digest ♥

Friday, March 18, 2011


"Yes. Yes I am. I am a feminist. I reject wholeheartedly the way we are taught to perceive women. The beauty of women, how a woman should act or behave. Women are strong and fragile. Women are beautiful and ugly. We are soft spoken and loud, all at once. There is something mind-controlling about the way we’re taught to view women. My work, both visually and musically, is a rejection of all those things. And most importantly a quest. It’s exciting because all of the avant-garde clothing, and musical style and lyrics that at one time was considered shocking or unacceptable are now trendy. Perhaps we can make women’s rights trendy. Strength, feminism, security, the wisdom of the woman. Let’ make that trendy" - Lady Gaga

Thursday, March 17, 2011

i must say, it's been quite awhile since i've enjoyed reading american vogue. i continue to buy it every month out of sheer habit, even though it rarely invokes inspiration or even real interest. but tonight on the subway i read the april issue and was pleasantly surprised. the unexpectedly lovely editors letter, an ode the the amazing grace coddington, who turns 70 next month (!!) was just the start. the editorials were colourful and energetic and i actually read most of the articles -- that hasn't happened in years!

this image, from the feature on the olsens and their line, the row, actually caused a public laugh-out-loud. kinda embarrassing but totally worth it ♥

(image via

i'm really not a good 'tweeter' (is that what it's called?) but last night i took a quick peek to see what some of the cool cat fashion kids I follow are up to these days. and wasn't i in for a treat!

say what you will about rachel zoe (like, how on earth was she able to conceive a child...), but the girl is friggin' fabulous. an alexander mcqueen diaper bag?! please!

and in more significant news, pamela love has designed a jewelry line for topshop! that's tops!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

my love for accessorizing knows no boundaries.
and now, i can expand my horizons beyond my body and onto... my bike!

behold, the most wonderful bicycle accessory ever, the moto bag, perfect for toting all the treats you'll collect during your leisurely summer bike rides through the city.

i wonder if i had this beauty on my bike whether it would disspell my intense fear of being hit while on the road. likely not, but look how cute it is! i love ♥

I like boys who wear shoes that look like this:

emma stone looking fab in lanvin at the baftas

i missed this look during awards season but have to say that i'm smitten.
thinking coral/orange and gold may be the colour combo for me this summer.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

the one article of clothing i will not be shedding come warmer weather is my beloved scarf. sure, the fabric will get lighter, but i will always have one for instant comfort / warmth.

a good summer scarf is hard to find, in my opinion, but this one here may just meet the cut. the giant from the scarf shop. in magenta. no, not black. MAGENTA! looks like perfection. love it.